Saturday, August 31, 2013

Artist #2

German Artist DAIM 3-D Graffiti
DAIM, a German artist, dabbles in many forms of art, but has received global recognition for his 3-Dimensional graffiti art style. Using a well-known graffiti look, DAIM takes his art one step further, pushing a traditionally 2-Dimensional art form into the third dimension. This artist has been producing graffiti works since 1989, expressing his graffiti talents in many mediums, including etching, spray-painting and 3D sculptural graffiti. His urban artworks appear in built-up areas across Germany and in art galleries. Visit DAIM Gallery for more info on DAIM.

I would describe his work as phenomenal. I would love to see his work in person. The use of complementary colors and grey toned colors in his first piece brings out great detail in the arrows and unique shapes he represents. I love the movement and the use of highlights and shadows to define these shapes. The overlapping of objects makes it look like theres a lot going on in his pieces but they are defined and structured well by the use of these shadows and the use of complementary colors or by putting in a little color on gray toned colors. This is another style of art I would love to learn how to produce. 

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