Thursday, December 15, 2016

Lorenzo Quinn

Lorenzo Quinn

Lorenzo Quinn was born in 1966 in Rome, Italy. He studied at the American Academy of Fine arts in New York, planning to be a Surrealist painter. At 21 years old, he decide to instead pursue sculpture.
His main inspirations are Michelangelo, Bernini and Rodin.
‘I make art for myself and for people who wish to come along for a ride through my dreams’

Of Lorenzo Quinn's work, I most enjoy his piece "Force of Nature." Probably his most famous piece, I love the huge amount of energy and momentum he was able to create in a completely still sculpture. The orb seems to carry an immense amount of weight, which is reenforced by the pose of the figure and the rippling of its robes. I find some of his other work rather uninteresting, though it all has an incredible level of detail which I still appreciate


Force of Nature II
Bronze, Stainless Steel, Aluminum

Tightrope II
Aluminum and Stainless Steel


Bruno Catalano

Bruno Catalano

Bruto Catalano is a French sculptor born in 1960. Born in Morocco, his family moved to France in 1970. In 1982 he started working at Société Nationale maritime Corse Méditerranée. (A ferry company.)
He claims his years of sailing are a large contribution to his insparation. 
Catalano is well known for his figure sculptures that have significant portions of their bodies missing.

I enjoy Catalano's work because I find his use of negative space creative and interesting. I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to render a figure out of metal, so I find his work especially awe-inspiring. I would love to see one of his pieces in person. One thing I don't enjoy about his work is how he paints his pieces. I find I enjoy his pieces that aren't painted, because I think the paint he uses makes the clothing too saturated.

Website -

Van Gogh Au Chevalet - (No year given.)

Modou - (No Date Given)

Le Destin Du Voyageur - (No date given.)

Henreique Oliveria

Henreique Oliveria

Henreique Oliveria is a Brazilian sculptor, born in 1973.
He graduated from The School of Communication and Arts São Paulo, Brazil, in 2004,
and earned his Masters in Visual Poetics in 2007.
Oliveria creates naturalistic sculptures out of old plywood, fencing, and PVC, recycled from dumpsters from his home city, São Paulo.

I enjoy his work due to its very organic and natural style. His sculptures seem to burst from walls and containment which I find intriguing. It's amazing that he forms all of his sculptures out of plywood, as they seem to be made completely out of natural wood. I would love to create work like this, (unlike my failed attempt for my final.)


Xilonoma Chamusquius, 2011
Plywood and PVC.

A Origem do Terceiro Mundo, 2010.
Plywood and PVC.

Casa dos Leoes, 2009
Plywood and PVC.

Tapumes, 2006.
Plywood and PVC.

Xilempasto, 2010.
Plywood and PVC.

Shintaro Ohata

Shintaro Ohata

Shintaro Ohata is a 41 year old Japanese sculptor born in Hiroshima, Japan.

He combines painting and sculpture to depict everyday life scenes in a very cinematic way. He uses strong lighting (both with the painting itself and physical installation,) to create a strong sense of atmosphere. His characteristic style involves placing sculptures in front of his paintings, and shows them as a single piece of work as a combination of the 2 and 3 dimension.

I've loved his work for an incredibly long time. His use of color and lighting is incredibly beautiful and I would love to see them in person. Like Kumi Yamashita, I enjoy his work because it mixes both fine art and sculpture. His sculptures remind me of Laika's movies, as they resemble clay figures.

Images found here:

部分 - 2011
Polystyrene Based Sculpture, Paint (type unspecified.)

部分 - 2011
Polystyrene Based Sculpture, Paint (type unspecified.)

"After rain in June" - 2015
Polystyrene Based Sculpture, Paint (type unspecified.)

Aquarium - 2010
Polystyrene Based Sculpture, Paint (type unspecified.)

Hydrangea - 2009
Polystyrene Based Sculpture, Paint (type unspecified.)

Loop - 2010
Polystyrene Based Sculpture, Paint (type unspecified.)

Liu Xue

Liu Xue is a Chinese sculptor who combines humans and animals to create grotesque figures.
The animal and human tend to fit with each other thematically, like a large overweight man being paired with the body of a bull dog/pig.

His biography and website are completely in Chinese, so i'm unable to find more information on his age/schooling.

From what I can find, the pieces were created around 2013, and according to a few websites featuring his work, they don't have any "deeper" meaning other than to awe and entertain.

I enjoy his work because it combines grotesque and creepy imagery with subtle humor. His renderings are incredibly detailed and realistic. 

These images are also lacking in any information about the materials or title/date.

Images Found Here:

Kumi Yamashita

Kumi Yamashita

Kumi Yamashita is a 48 year old artist from Japan living in New York. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, and completed her Master of Fine Arts from Glasgow School of Art.

Kumi Yamashita created this artwork by wrapping a single piece of string around various nails on a board to create the illusion of shadow.

I personally really enjoy her artwork because of the amount of skill and planning that would be required to create this artwork. Her work is an interesting infusion of both fine art and sculpture, which I appreciate because I prefer non-sculptural work.

Her Website:

2011 0 Wood panel, brads, single sewing thread.
Constellation - Mana
2011 - Wood panel, brads, single sewing thread

Constellation - Mana (Close up)

Unfortunately, I can't find title or date information on the following three pieces, though they use the same materials as Constellation.

- Jack