I wrote none of this myself - this is all cut and paste work! All the articles have been sited and quoted
France’s Memorial to Jean Cocteau
By FRANK BROWNING Published: January 18, 2012
see article and information taken from: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/19/arts/19iht-cocteaumuseum19.html?pagewanted=1&tntemail1=y&emc=tnt
Jean Cocteau here, Célia Bernasconi, says the artist suffered one insuperable problem: He possessed too many talents — poet, playwright, novelist, filmmaker, designer, potter and painter. “In Europe, and particularly in France, there’s a tendency to categorize artists,” Ms. Bernasconi said, “but Cocteau was someone who escaped all that. He touched everything, literature, theater, cinema. That’s something that works far better in the U.S. or in Japan. But in France that draws very pejorative judgments. Here you have to put a label on people.” -
Taken from the NY TIMES Article: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/19/arts/19iht-cocteaumuseum19.html?pagewanted=1&tntemail1=y&emc=tnt
A portrait of Jean Cocteau from 1953.
The museum lit up on the sea in Menton, France.
'musée jean cocteau' by rudy ricciotti architecte, menton, france
image © eric duliere
all images courtesy rudy ricciotti architecte
"french practice rudy ricciotti architecte has completed the 'musée jean cocteau', a museum dedicated to the career of jean cocteau, a french artist, poet, and playwriter positioned within his hometown in menton, france. the featured exhibits were contributed by philanthropist severin wunderman, who donated his entire personal collection to the initiative, including 990 original works within a total amalgamation of 1800 pieces from other artists within his circle. recently inaugurated, the 2,700 square meter building contains drawings, paintings, ceramics, tapestries, manuscripts and projections of his films within galleries which overlook the adjacent ligurian sea."
- Text taken from the article: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/9/view/16920/rudy-ricciotti-architecte-musee-jean-cocteau.html
Images from: Design Bloom: